Sunday, October 31, 2010


Countdown was fun to read because it was a coming-of-age story mixed in with bits and pieces of history in the story and chronicled inbetween the chapters. With the perspective of Franny we are brought back into what it was like to live through the Cuban Missile Crisis. We know that in the 1960’s smoking in the house and in front of kids was the norm, McDonalds was new and so was duct tape, gas was 31 cents, Tootsie Rolls was the candy of choice to give out on Halloween, Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color was popular, and that not all televisions were colored yet. We also know that the “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” song was popular at the timeand not just on a Yoplait commercial.
Countdown didn’t just incorporate those things into the story but the pages inbetween the chapters were snippets of actual history. I knew that JFK was president during the 1960’s during the Cold War and the Cuban Missle Crisis but that was the extent of my knowledge. Growing up in the 21st century, the past of fifty year ago often feels far removed. The quotes, pictures, newsreports, presidential announcements, lyrics, and Bert the turtle’s “Duck and Cover!” campaign and the advertisements of fallout shelters in Life magazine brought this time to life. It was nice for a chance not just to read history, but to feel like you’ve experienced it.


  1. I agree that it was really cool to hear about all the "new" things that are so normal to us- like McDonald's.

  2. Yay! I am so glad you brought this up! this was my favorite part as well. When we learn about history in grade school, teachers understandably tend to focus more on politics and factual information. I am always more interested when there is more background to everyday life and can therefore imagine and relate to that time as opposed to memorizing it. I think it adds to the entertainment level of the read as well and comparing life now to life then.
