Monday, October 11, 2010

And So it Begins...

I was at the mall this weekend and happened into Hot Topic to see all kinds of merchandise for...


While I'm excited to see all sorts of Hunger Games swag, I only hope that this doesn't do what Hot Topic did to Twilight.

-Shannon Hunt


  1. I totally agree! I hate it when popular media takes over the books i love. I really enjoyed twilight but after the media got ahold of it it kind of lost its spark for me. I really hope that the same doesn't happen to The Hunger Games

  2. I kind of keep a personal media blackout around the books I love most, fearing that large amounts of mall swag or popular celebrity will just crush my soul. But then, this mall swag will also get some teens to ask, "Hey, so what's this Hunger Games thing all about?" ...

  3. Merchandising is such a double edged sword! In one respect I want to be excited that the book is getting the attention that it deserves. But there is also a part of me that is disappointed that this kind of book, with its strong social messages would be used in such a profit-driven way.This mass advertising seems to cheapen the book, and unfortunately drive away an older group of readers.
