Saturday, November 27, 2010

Who Likes the Harry Potter Movies Better

Hey Guys,

I just posted a new poll asking who liked the Harry Potter movies better, so be sure to vote!

I'm posting this because a couple of days ago I thought that the answer was obvious but then I ran into a friend that had just recently seen the new Harry Potter movie.

He tried to convince me that people who had not read the book would not like the movie because they have not read the books, and therefore, they would compare the movie to other movies rather than the book itself and realize it is not that great of a movie when compared to other movies.  However, if one has already read the books they would like the movie because of the special attachment they have to the franchise.

My friend’s ideas seemed contradictory to mine which were that people who had read the books would not like the movie because the move is almost never identical to the one the reader imagined when reading the book, the movie therefore falls below the readers expectations and the reader does not like the movie.  However, for the viewer who has not read the book, the movie is simply just another movie and they are ready to experience it as a black slate.

I wanted to know what you guys thought. So please comment and vote!



  1. Amer,
    I have not read the Harry Potter books, but I have seen all the movies. I really love the movies! They are entertaining and I don't ever find myself completely confused. I'm sure if I would have read the books, the movie might not have lived up to my expectations, but since I have not, the movies are excellent!

  2. I have read the books and like the movies. I do, however, probably fall in the middle ground of the argument. I read the books and loved them. I watched the movies and enjoyed seeing the books come to life. Then again, I did fall into the group that was left disappointed by the parts I loved in the book that were cut from the movie.


  3. I have read all the books and watched the movies. Like Kaylin, I'm also disappointed by the parts that were left out from the movies but enjoy them nonetheless. The movies are a really good representation of the books -- the people they chose for the characters and the way Hogwarts and the settings are depicted.

    I'm glad they decided to make the last book into two movies so they don't have to cut much and do the book justice. I'd be so upset if they tried to jam the whole story into one!

  4. I have read all of the books and seen all of the movies, In general I actually love the movies there is just something amazing about seeing the books I love coming to life, however it does make me sad when they leave parts out. I think it is all about looking at them as separate things. I respect the movies and love them but for me the movies will never be better than the books.

  5. I can't really say. I haven't read the books (but I'm getting them for Christmas! Better late than never, right?), but I've seen a couple of the movies. For me, it was hard to understand because I have not seen all of them, but I did enjoy them nonetheless. I do think people do have a hard time appreciating books and movies as separate from one another. I know I've seen plenty of movies that were originally books and been disappointed. In order to avoid being disappointed, I think you have to look at the movie as its own piece of work, not as something that is trying to be just like the book. Otherwise, I think we'll always be a bit dissatisfied with these kinds of movies when we love the books so much.

  6. I read the first Harry Potter book when I was in second grade and remember being furious when it was finally made into a movie only to leave out (what I thought) were some of the greatest parts of the book. I mean, c'mon, they left Peeves out of the entire film series! My sister, however, hasn't read past the first one and enjoyed the movies much less than I did. I definitely agree that people who haven't read the books probably don't suffer the same disappointments as those of us who have read the novels, but I think that my love of Harry Potter is probably what makes me enjoy the movies so much.

    -Shannon Hunt

  7. I read the first three Harry Potter books years ago, and then I stopped reading them. For the movies with the books I read, I enjoyed the movies. I like the movies just as much when I have not read the books. This could be because I have not had any expectations because I did not read them? I am a huge Twilight fan. I have read all the books, and I have seen all of the movies. I have loved the books and the movies. Because I have read the books, I do have higher expectations for the movie because I have actually read them. I have never been disappointed with a movie. I believe for the most part, Harry Potter fans feel the same way about their books,
    Abby Kilian
