Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I know we've sort of discussed the topic of eBooks in class, but I saw my friends Amazon Kindle for the first time that I thought was über cool and and I just wanted to get everyones thoughts on eBooks.  I like the look and feel of regular books, but the thought of being able to "go green" and save the trees. When I was playing around with her Kindle I found   a search, dictionary and bookmark function among others which I thought were handy.  It was pretty comfortable and the words are comparable to paper books. The friend told me the books are discounted from what you would usually get at a bookstore.  What's stopping me from getting one is the price; I don't think I read enough at the moment to make up the cost of the cheaper version of $189. When I do have extra to splurge I think my next purchase will be the Kindle, Nook, or iPad. So what are everyone else's thoughts on eBooks? Does anyone own any of these devices?

 Disclaimer: The comic is not representative of me. :) It's pretty funny though because it describes some of my friends. I told them I wouldn't mind a hand-me-down X-mas present!

- Jenny


  1. I wouldn't mind having an ebook, but the only reason I think I wouldn't get them is because you would be able to hold the book in your hands. For me, I like to have the tangible book. I just don't know if be able to get rid of my actual books. I feel like I read a book I like on the ebook, I would end up buying the printed copy. Especially since most of what I want to read is for my future classroom. One thing that people may not know is that there is a kindle app for iTouches and iPhones. I have the app on my touch, and I always get the free books. Yay, they aren't as good, but when I have ten minutes before a meeting starts, it's easier to pull out my touch than a book. The other nice thing is that I can read it while on vacation. This summer I went to Spain, and would read on my touch. It was much easier than having to pack books...especially when my suitcase was overloaded with souvenirs! If I suddenly because rich, I could see myself buying a kindle for these sorts of situations, but I think I would still by printed books.


  2. Alisa, I had no idea there was a Kindle app for iPod touches. That is so cool! I'm going to download it when I get the chance. Thanks!

  3. It is nice that they're so compact, but I like to mark up my books and have something tangible. Even if I had one, I don't think I would use it.

  4. I think the idea of a tangible object representing memories is interesting. I know MP3 players would get a lot of backlash from people who said that digital music would never make it because people want to buy the CD, they want to have something they can remember the song by, something physical. However, now-a-days MP3 players and iPods are all the rage and CD sales are at an all time low. I'm interested to see if this same phenomenon happens with regards to e-books. I think the main battle is between memorabilia vs. portability. I believe portability will win the battle but it could really go either way.

